In just over 6 months Radio 4EB’s Hebrew radio show in Brisbane has become the
station’s second most-streamed program.
After months of planning and preparation, the Hebrew program, sponsored by the
Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies and the State Zionist Council of Queensland, first
aired on 1 November 2021 and in that short space of time has grown in popularity.
The program’s broadcaster, Shon Tamar, said he felt one of the reasons for the show’s
success was that it provided a space solely dedicated to the Hebrew speakers of South
East Queensland.
“We wanted to create a fun, engaging program where our community could hear news
and events relevant to them, as well as profile the Jewish organisations that many in our
community may not be aware of,” Shon said.
“Since the show began, it has evolved so it’s great to know that we must be doing
something right. There are more than 50 language programs aired on Radio 4EB so to
know that our show is the second most streamed program is brilliant. People are tuning in
and listening – not only from Queensland but 25 per cent of our audience is listening from
Israel, which is amazing.”
The program, which airs live every Monday morning 8am to 9am on 98.1FM, has the
slogan “Ve’shuv itchem”, or “With you again”.
“We are keen to develop a sense of belonging and community through the program – and
share the diversity of Israeli music and culture. Over generations, people immigrated to
Israel from all over the world and from this cultural melting pot emerged, in my opinion,
the best music in the world – with elements from all corners of the world.”
Listeners can listen to past shows on Radio 4EB’s website.
For more information email us – advocacy@qjbd.org