Chabad House Brisbane

Chabad House Brisbane is part of the international Chabad-Lubavitch movement, and its aim is to further Jewish awareness and observance. The Chabad House provides a warm and welcoming place where Jews can find out about their religion and/or extend their knowledge of Judaism. Chabad House is a dynamic centre of Jewish activities, catering for Jews of all ages and from all backgrounds. Among Chabad House activities are: mid-week Cheder classes and school holiday day-camps for the children and lectures and courses for adults. Chabad House has an extensive library with books, tapes, videos and DVDs for children and adults alike. Chabad House also publishes and distributes a communal calendar and organises major communal festival events such as “Channukah in the Park”.



Chabad of Rural and Regional Australia (RARA)

Founded in 1999 to cater for Jews living outside of the main city centres throughout Australia, it now has over five hundred Jewish contacts in Queensland alone. On a rural front these numbers include Jewish people in Toowoomba, Bundaberg, Airlie Beach, Mackay, Hervey Bay, Mareeba, Magnetic Island, Innisfail and Rockhampton. These people receive a visit from the Mitzvah Mobile (Caravan) every 18-24 months. There are programs run three times a year in Cairns, Townsville and the Sunshine Coast. These include Pesach Seders, High Holiday Services, Purim parties, Shabbatons and Torah study seminars.
