Statement issued 7 June 2021
Unfortunately, the Queensland Labor conference held over the weekend (5&6 June 2021) has once again voted to condemn Israel and re-affirm their previous calls for the immediate recognition of a Palestinian State.
The annual motion was moved by Labor’s Wendy Turner, who is a long-time Israel-demoniser, and seconded by James Martin, the ALP’s candidate in the upcoming by-election for the Queensland Legislative Assembly seat of Stretton.
Turner and Martin included in their motion phrases like “ethnic cleansing”, which have become so popular with people attempting to delegitimise Israel while ignoring the facts. Facts like Hamas is a recognised terrorist organisation, and that their political enemy is the Palestinian Authority.
The spokesman for the Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies, the roof body of Queensland Jewry, Jason Steinberg said the vote did more damage than good. He also thanked those in the ALP who spoke up for truth and voted against the motion.
“Turner and Martin’s motion overflows with lies and is injected with a flavour that would have every antisemite in Queensland salivating,” Jason said.
“They reinforce hatred towards Israel, which detrimentally impacts Jews in Queensland and the peaceful, tolerant and multicultural fabric of Queensland society.
“The motion condemns Israel for the recent conflict. But, where is outrage at the actions of a terrorist organisation, Hamas, attacking innocent Israeli civilians with more than 4000 unprovoked rockets? Any other sovereign State or country whose citizens were similarly under attack would do no less than Israel has done.
“Maybe it is time for all democratically-minded, moral individuals of the Queensland ALP to consider the consequences should Hamas achieve its stated objective: to annihilate Israel? In short, it would mean the murder
of 7 million Jews and 2 million others who call Israel home.
“Hamas is not a government, not a country, not interested in peace, and they most certainly do not want a future Palestinian state living safely beside Israel. I wonder if Turner and Martin have considered what life would be like living under the Hamas terrorist regime rather than the safe comfort of the Sunshine State?
“Their motion also missed the opportunity to call for Palestinian elections, something the Palestinian Authority has avoided since 2006.
“Sadly, their motion does mention much of the demonic propaganda used to describe the world’s only Jewish state and the only democratic country in the Middle East – the one that respects all religions, the rights of independent trade unions, women’s rights, LGBTI rights and the rights for all minority groups.
“Israel, which is the size of south-east Queensland, has only ever wanted peace. Look at history to see how many times Israel has been prepared to relinquish land for peace or make peace to promote cohesion. Look at history to see how many times the Palestinians have rejected peace proposals. Look at how and why the State of Israel was established.”
The Jewish community is calling on all members of the ALP throughout Queensland to objectively research the topic and not rely on social media.
“For those in the conga line of Israel-haters who wish to reject history, reject facts and keep supporting terrorist organisations, we implore you to seek more information about the topic or, even better, go to Israel when we can travel again and see the situation for yourselves.”