SHALOM Magazine

SHALOM was founded by George Frey in 1964 and has been serving the community for over 43 years. It is published under the banner of the Jewish National Fund of Australia Queensland Division. It is a subscription publication and has a distribution covering not only Queensland but all Australian states and Israel.  It is the vehicle by which the community keeps in touch with events and happenings occurring in Israel, overseas and locally. It is highly regarded and valued by the community as it is unique in its style and longevity.  SHALOM is the first point of reference for all those wishing to learn about the Brisbane and wider Jewish Community.



Sinai College

Sinai College is a P-7 co-ed Jewish Dayschool, situated 20 mins from Brisbane’s CBD. One of the first schools in Queensland to introduce the Prep Year of schooling, the College is co-located with a Community Childcare Centre, Retirement Village, and the Jewish Communal Centre.

The secular and Jewish curriculum run in tandem; with excellent results in State Benchmarking Tests. Small classes and excellent teachers encourage all students to reach their potential. Our ESL program supports students from non-English speaking backgrounds.

All chagim are celebrated. Jewish Day Camp is held during school holidays, and before and after school care is available.

Facilities include a swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts,  oval, and a nature walking trail.  Enrolments accepted all year round, and tours with the Principal are welcome by appointment.



South Brisbane Hebrew Congregation — Givat Zion

We are a small orthodox synagogue in Brisbane’s inner southern suburbs. We hold weekly Shabbat services and services on holydays and related cultural and social events.



State Zionist Council of Queensland (SZCQ)

The SZCQ is the co-ordinating roof body for the Zionist organisations in Queensland. It’s mission is to lead and encourage Jewish and Zionist activity and expression within Queensland, to represent the Jewish community, to promote and communicate Israel’s interests within the broader Queensland community and to promote Queensland’s relationship with Israel.



Sunshine Coast Jewish community

The Sunshine Coast Jewish Community  started in 2004, is small, friendly, and gathers for communal events on a regular basis. Services are held for the High Holy Days, Pesach and a communal Friday night Shabbat is held once a month. The community is growing, and in November 2009 voted to incorporate. A small cheder is run on a regular fornightly basis, and the community has celebrated a significant number of Bnei Mitzvah over the past few years. There are about 80 registered members.



Temple Shalom (Gold Coast)

Temple Shalom commenced in October 1976, as a result of numerous requests from those desirous of practising Progressive Judaism on the Gold Coast, a handful of enthusiastic people gathered together at the home of Mr & Mrs Len Spray and thus began the humble beginnings of Temple Shalom (Gold Coast). The congregation has been servicing the needs of Progressive Judaism since that time. Temple Shalom is affiliated with the Union For Progressive Judaism.
